Thursday, January 30, 2014

Unit 4 Reflection

In this unit I learned about…

Rotational and Tangential Velocity

-Tangential velocity is the velocity of something moving along a circular path. The direction of motion is tangent to the circumference of the circle. Another word for tangential speed is linear speed. Tangential speed depends on the radial distance ( distance from the axis).
-Rotational velocity involves the number of rotations or revolutions around an axis per unit time. Rotational velocity is often measured in RPM (rotations per minute). Rotational speed will be the same at any distance from the axis of rotation.

An excellent situation in which to observe rotational and tangential velocity is on a merry go round. All of these children are traveling at the same rotational velocity, because they are making the same number of revolutions in a given time. However, the kids on the outer edge of the merry go round are moving at a faster tangential velocity than the kids towards the center of the merry go round. This is because they are covering a much larger distance in the same amount of time that the kids toward the inside are covering a very small distance. 

Rotational Inertia

Rotational inertia is the property of an object to resist changes in spinning. It depends on mass and its distribution. When the mass is closer to the axis of rotation it has less rotational inertia, so it speeds up, and when it is farther from the axis, it has more rotational inertia, so it slows down. So why does velocity change?

Conservation of Angular Momentum

We've learned about the conservation of momentum, ptotalbefore = ptotalafter;  p = mv; mvbefore = mvafter. This same same rule applies to rotational or angular momentum. In this case, rotational speed is velocity is conserved, so angular momentum before = angular momentum after. Angular momentum is based on two things: rotational inertia and rotational velocity, so  angular momentum = rotational inertia x rotational velocity; rotational inertia x rotational velocity = rotational inertia x rotational velocity.

In this video, we can see how the ice skater's angular momentum is conserved when she lessens her rotational inertia by bringing her arms in and increases her rotational velocity:


Torque causes rotation. It is equal to force x lever arm. A lever arm is the distance from the axis of rotation. There are three things that affect torque: changing the force, changing the lever arm, or both. Torque is measured in Nm (Newton meters). The more torque an object has, the easier it is to rotate.
My group made a podcast about torque that further explains it implications:

Center of Mass/Gravity

All objects have an average position of their mass, called their center of mass. When gravity acts on that center of mass, it is called center of gravity. Center of gravity affects balance. When an object's center of gravity is inside of its base of support, it is less likely to fall over than when it center of gravity is outside of its base of support. When center of gravity is outside of the base of support, a lever arm is created, and the force of gravity gives the object torque, causing it to fall over.
This is exemplified in the following image:
The object with the smaller base of support will fall over because its center of gravity is outside of its base of support, while the large one will remain standing.

Centripetal/Centrifugal Force

Centripetal force is a center-seeking force that keeps objects going into a curve when rotating. Centrifugal force is a fictitious, fleeing force that causes an object to feel as if it is being flung outward.

One example of centripetal force is a satellite orbiting earth. One might ask, how does a satellite not end up being flung out of orbit or crashing into earth? Satellites are able to stay in earth's orbit, because they have the perfect velocity, so they don't cancel out the centripetal force (gravity) acting on them.

Below is a satellite orbiting the earth and a diagram of the forces and velocity.

Satellites orbit, because they have the force of gravity pulling them towards earth, but how do things like airplanes turning have a centripetal force? Their centripetal force is a resultant of Flift and Fweight.

This is also exemplified in car on a banked race track. The resulting centripetal force keeps the car on the racetrack. 

What I have found difficult about what I have studied is accepting that centrifugal force does not exist, but we feel something and call it centrifugal force and study it. I overcame these difficulties by listening carefully to class discussions and realizing that centrifugal force is a feeling, not an actual force.

My problem-solving skills, effort, and learning…

In this unit, I have completed all of my homework in a timely manner and participated in class. My group members and I created a helpful podcast about torque, and we worked well together. I found that I improved my blog posts, because I found a useful drawing app and learned how to properly link my video sources.

My goals for the next unit are to continue completing my work on time and improve my blog posts by providing more visual explanations and thorough descriptions.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meter Stick Challenge

In step one, we discussed the meter stick's center of gravity, and the torque on the meter stick depending on where it was located on the table and how much weight was added to the end.

In step two, we decided a plan on how to solve for the mass of the meter stick using the stick and a 100g lead weight. We were not allowed to use a scale. We found the tipping point of the stick without a weight on it (this is its center of gravity), which was 49.5 cm. We also found its tipping point with the weight which was 71 cm. We realized that the torque and center of gravity would be the same with or without the weight, which allowed us to solve for the mass, because torque = force times lever arm. When we found the weight of the meter stick, we could convert it to mass using w = mg. 

In step 3, which we performed as a class, my partner Princess and I  found that our meter stick had a different center of gravity than the others, causing our mass to be different. In the corrected method, we first had to know that the counter clockwise torque is equal to the clockwise torque. Since torque = force times lever arm, we could calculate the weight of the meter stick by plugging in the proper units in their respective places. The lever arm when it was balanced with the weight was .3 m, but we didn't know the force (this would be what we solved for, and it was the clockwise torque). The lever arm with the weight with a counter clockwise torque was .2 m with force of .98 (on the center of gravity). Thus we were able to solve for force and mass. The resulting number must be multiplied by 2, because it equals only half the mass of the meter stick.

The following link is a depiction of the meter stick on the table with the mass:

How to solve for the mass of the meter stick:

1) counter clockwise torque = clockwise torque
    Force time lever arm = force times lever arm

2) w = mg
    w = .1 (9.8)
    w = 0.98 N

3) F(.3) = (.98)(.2)
    F(.3) = .196
    F = .65 N

4) w = mg
   .65 = m(9.8)
   .066 kg = m


Friday, January 17, 2014

Center of Mass and Torque

Torque Resource:

This resource explains the relation between lever arm and force to create torque. It gives an example of torque when it explains how torque is involved when opening doors. It also tells us that in order for an object to rotate, the force must be perpendicular to the lever arm.

Center of Mass Resource:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hewitt-drew-it gives us an example of a dog on a plank hanging off of a cliff. He asks us how far the plank (and the dog) can hang off of the cliff, before falling over. He gives an equation to calculate this, and explains that the dog would fall if the plank overhung past the center of gravity of the plank and the  dog. He gives us the same question with a girl rather, than a dog, on the plank, showing that the center of gravity will be closer to the girl because of her greater weight.
He leaves us with a question: Two meter sticks are attached to create a ninety degree angle. Where should you place you finger on the sticks to balance them?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Angular Momentum Resource

Hewitt Drewit

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

In this video, Hewitt tells us:

angular momentum = momentum times radial distance
angular momentum = mvr

An object or system of objects will maintain its angular momentum, unless acted upon by an external net torque.

gives us an example of this with planets and their moons

Shows a man spinning with weights pulling them out from his body (greater rotational inertia/ harder to spin)  and in closer to his body (smaller rotational inertia/easier to spin).

also gives example of ice skaters spinning in this same manner

if no external net torque acts on a rotating system, the angular momentum of that system remains constant (conservation of angular momentum)

Hewitt leaves us with a question: One is at an amusement park, in the middle of a turntable, that is set spinning freely. If one crawls towards the edge of the turntable, does its rotational rate increase, decrease, or remain the same? What physics principle supports your answer?