Friday, May 23, 2014

Wind Turbine Generator

A generator is much like a motor in that it is made of coils of wire and magnets, and it works through electromagnetic induction. However, a generator has an input of mechanical energy and an output of electrical energy. In the case, the input is the spinning blades of the turbine, and the output is the lightbulb shining.

Materials and Methods…
For our generator, we used the fan blades from a window fan we took apart and two-coils of wire wire along with four magnets (where induction would take place). We attached this to a three wooden dowels and mounted it on a platform.

The amount of voltage produced is affected by the number of coils you use: the more coils, the greater the voltage. Voltage will also be greater if the turbine spins faster, because there is a greater input, resulting in a greater output. Our group worked efficiently and did not run into any particular trouble during this project. The best advice I can offer to future physics students is to think carefully about your materials. Adhesives can be particularly tricky when it comes to assembling a large variety of materials. Try to keep things simple. Also, disassembling a fan to use the blades was very effective and made it easier to focus on lighting the lightbulb rather than worrying about assembling a makeshift fan.

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